The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) has been working for more than 20 years on European projects! Orientation, training and project management are the keys to bringing the EU closer to our towns and cities.
The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) has been working for more than 20 years on European projects! Orientation, training and project management are the keys to bringing the EU closer to our towns and cities.
Set up on the 24th of July, 1982, Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) is the unique association that represents the local interests and authorities from Valencia Region, whose main goal is the defense and promotion of autonomy and municipal interests among other objectives:
- Boost and defend the autonomy of local entities, as well as represent their interests.
- Develop and consolidate the European and democratic spirit at local level.
- Promote and carry out studies to know better the problems and circumstances of local life.
- Cooperate and provide technical support for the development of local interests.
- Enhance and carry out training programmes and activities aimed to local decision makers and civil servants.
- Expand initiatives to contribute to local economic development, job creation and environment protection, and in this way to im prove the life quality of citizens.
- Encourage the citizen participation in the local entities.

Why is the profile of the FVMP ideal for participating in European projects?
The FVMP has been part of international consortia in the role of coordinator and partner. One of its objectives: to achieve the maximum participation of local administrations in the pilot activities of each project. Take a look at our European profile here!

Where we are?
Currently, the set of the local entities of the Comunitat Valenciana are members of the FVMP, adding a total of:
Action lines
FVMP works daily with the municipalities knowing closely the problems and circumstances of local entities. In this sense, FVMP has great experience providing local entities a technical support service on local matters:

Legal and economic issues

Employment promotion


Education and training

Tourism and culture

Health and consumption

Social issues

Porque una gran transformación está en marcha. Europa es la oportunidad hacia una transición verde y digital. Hacia la regeneración urbana y la apuesta por la innovación.
Porque Europa ha tomado doble impulso:
· Económico: 1,85 billones de euros de fondos europeos van a estar disponibles especialmente a partir de 2021. El presupuesto de la UE 2021-2027 supera en cuantía al anterior y suma la cifra derivada del plan NextGenerationEU.
· Político: Ante problemas comunes, Europa busca soluciones conjuntas. Las decisiones comunitarias redundarán más en nuestra vida cotidiana. Europa se cohesiona y emprende un camino de modernización con la premisa de no dejar a nadie atrás.
This support service is developed through different departments of FVMP, but for this European
profile one department has to be highlighted: The European Projects Department.
FVMP European projects department
These are the 3 key pillars of the European projects department

FVMP has a long experience participating actively in different European Projects! Always trying to reach the engagement of local authorities in the pilot activities of the projects.

The first and unique valencian public guidance service on European funds. Guide, train, connect and motivate are a must!

FVMP organizes training sessions and seminars on European project management for the technical staff of the local administrations.
in European Projects
RETURNET - The European Return Fund (RF)
INFOMIGRA -The European Return Fund (RF)


FVMP European
Network of Tourist Experiences based on Rural Tradition
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
Labor inclusion and disadvantages reduction of the most vulnerable youth
European Programme: Erasmus +
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2022-2024
Target group:Young people at risk of exclusion and local, regional and central authorities.
Budget: 353.000€
Objective: The key objective of the project is to promote PARTICIPATION, MEETING and EMPOWERMENT of vulnerable young people who are not reached by general youth policies and contribute to the design of effective work adapted to this group, supporting the reduction of disadvantages.
Partners: 7 partners from Germany, Austria and Spain.
Status: Executing process
Energy rehabilitation of public buildings in the Mediterranean area
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
Energy rehabilitation of public buildings in the Mediterranean area
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
Project website:
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
Project website:
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
European Programme: Experiencias Turismo España – Next Generation EU
Role FVMP: Partner
Duration: 2023-2024
Target group: Public and private actors belonging to the tourism sector in municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
Budget: 1.200.000€
Objective: stimulate rural tourism by enhancing its traditions, reinforcing activities and customs, empowering communities, raising awareness of the value of heritage and preventing its loss.
Partners: 6 Spanish federations of municipalities (Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia)
Status: Executing process
- Fecha límite de solicitud
6 de marzo de 2023
- Beneficiarios
Las comunidades autónomas, los municipios (representados por los ayuntamientos), las provincias (representadas por las diputaciones), las comarcas o mancomunidades y otras entidades locales de base agrupacional.
- Órgano convocante
- Financiación
100% del presupuesto financiable. Inversión mínima de 750.000€ y máxima de 3.000.000 €.
Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
- Más información
- Objetivos
Garantizar un modelo de turismo competitivo y sostenible, promoviendo la renovación, mantenimiento y rehabilitación de patrimonio histórico a través de las siguientes actuaciones:
- Conservación, mantenimiento, puesta en valor y rehabilitación de BIC para uso turístico y cultural.
- Mejora de la accesibilidad universal, siempre que no afecte a las características que le han hecho acreedor de BIC.
- Modernización de la gestión de residuos y aguas residuales.
- Rehabilitación y aprovechamiento de espacios con tecnologías inteligentes.
- Mejora de la eficiencia energética.
- Actuaciones de adaptación al cambio climático.
- Reducción y compensación de la huella de carbono mediante la elaboración de planes.
- Rehabilitación ecológica del patrimonio.
*La información descrita es orientativa, se ruega contrastar y ampliar información en las bases oficiales de la convocatoria.
- Fecha límite de solicitud
6 de marzo de 2023
- Beneficiarios
Las comunidades autónomas, los municipios (representados por los ayuntamientos), las provincias (representadas por las diputaciones), las comarcas o mancomunidades y otras entidades locales de base agrupacional.
- Financiación
100% del presupuesto financiable. Inversión mínima de 750.000€ y máxima de 3.000.000 €.
- Órgano convocante
Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
- Más información
- Objetivos
Garantizar un modelo de turismo competitivo y sostenible, promoviendo la renovación, mantenimiento y rehabilitación de patrimonio histórico a través de las siguientes actuaciones:
- Conservación, mantenimiento, puesta en valor y rehabilitación de BIC para uso turístico y cultural.
- Mejora de la accesibilidad universal, siempre que no afecte a las características que le han hecho acreedor de BIC.
- Modernización de la gestión de residuos y aguas residuales.
- Rehabilitación y aprovechamiento de espacios con tecnologías inteligentes.
- Mejora de la eficiencia energética.
- Actuaciones de adaptación al cambio climático.
- Reducción y compensación de la huella de carbono mediante la elaboración de planes.
- Rehabilitación ecológica del patrimonio.
*La información descrita es orientativa, se ruega contrastar y ampliar información en las bases oficiales de la convocatoria.

New European Bauhaus

Construir Europa con las autoridades locales

CV Regió Europea